Operating time1869-1969


Hawksley & Sons

Hawksley and Sons Limited, Londno. Est. 1869


1869 - established in Oxford Street, London by Charles Hawksley;

1916 - company was bought by the renowned US business William Baum and began making precision blood pressure measuring equipment. 357 Oxford Street and 83 Wigmore Street, London, England.

1969 – company became American.


The company Hawksley and Sons was founded in 1869 by Charles Hawksley, in Oxford Street London. The talented founder invented Haemocytometer of his own design. The firm became was one of the of the founding members of the British Surgical Trade Association (today BHTA). It was focused on the Blood counting chambers, and early Blood Pressure devices. Some of them required precise mechanisms that where provided by Breguet,  famous French watches manufacturer (est. by Abraham-Louis Breguet in Paris in 1775).

William Baum took over the company in 1916. In the post-war years the firm started to produce centrifuges.  
In 1969 Hawksley was sold to an American organisation. The only company that still manufactures to the British Standard (under new trade name).  


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The Haemoglobinometer made by Hawksley CRISTA, about 1920. Credit: collections.falkirk.gov.uk
The Haemoglobinometer made by Hawksley CRISTA, about 1920. Credit: collections.falkirk.gov.uk

More info

  1. Hawksley and Sons Limited, est. 1869
  2. Items made by Hawksley and Sons at The Science Museum site
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