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Augen-Dienst: Oder Kurtz und deutlich verfasster Bericht von allen... (Ophthalmology by Bartisch, published at 1686)
Augen-Dienst: Oder Kurtz und deutlich verfasster Bericht von allen... (Ophthalmology by Bartisch)

Germany , 1686

Bartisch, Georg

Augen-Dienst: Oder Kurtz und deutlich verfasster Bericht von allen und jeden in- und äusserlichen Mängeln Schäden Gebrechen und Zufällen der Augen (Eye Service: or report of all and every internal and external defects, damages, infirmities, and accidents of the eyes), Author: Georg Bartisch, Publisher: Georg Scheurer, Nuremberg, 1686

Les Œuvres de M. Ambroise Paré, conseiller et premier chirurgien du Roy, 1st edition, 1575
Les Œuvres de M. Ambroise Paré, conseiller et premier chirurgien du Roy, 1st edition, 1575

France , 1575

Paré, Ambroise

Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590. Les Œuvres de M. Ambroise Paré, conseiller et premier chirurgien du Roy. Avec les figures & portraicts tant de l'anatomie que des instruments de chirurgie, & de plusieurs monstres. Le tout divise en vingt six livres (transl. from French: The works of Mr. Ambroise Paré, advisor and first surgeon to the King. With figures & portraits of both anatomy and surgical instruments, & several monsters. The whole is divided into twenty-six books). Paris, Gabriel Buon, 1575, the first edition. This unique book is the cornerstone that laid the foundation for modern surgery in France and the rest of Europe, the most important surgical book of the 16th century.

PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881) at the Siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War
Grundzuge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie, 1864

Germany , 1864

Pirogov, Nikolay Ivanovich

PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881). Grundzuge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie nach Reminiscenzen aus den Kriegen in der Krim und im Kaukasus und aus der Hospitalpraxis (Principles of general war surgery after reminiscences from the wars in the Crimea and the Caucasus and from hospital practice), Leipzig: F.C.W. Vogel, 1864. 8vo (Vol.I: 224 x 152 x 27 mm), in German language. The world's first edition

Chirurgie 1673 Lorenz Heister Title Page
Chirurgie, in welcher alles, was zur Wundarzney (Surgery, in which everything that belongs to...)

Germany , 1763

Heister, Lorenz

Lorenz Heister (1683-1758). Chirurgie, in welcher alles, was zur Wundarzney gehöret, nach der neuesten und besten Art, gründlich abgehandelt... ("Surgery, in which everything that belongs to the surgical procedure is thoroughly dealt with in the latest and best way..."). 16+1078+24 pages, 38 engravings. Publisher: Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, Nuremberg, 1763. 

Title pages of the book "Cours d'opérations de chirurgie démontrées au Jardin Royal par M Dionis", Paris 1773
Cours d'opérations de chirurgie démontrées au Jardin Royal par M Dionis... in 2 Vol.

France , 1773

Cours d'opérations de chirurgie démontrées au Jardin Royal par M Dionis, Premier chirurgien de feues Mesdames les Dauphines et chirurgien Juré à Paris, en dix démonstrations (Course of surgical operations demonstrated at the Royal Garden by M Dionis, First surgeon to the late Mesdames les Dauphines and Sworn surgeon in Paris, in ten demonstrations). Published by the widow of Houry, printer and bookseller to Mgr le Duc d'Orléans, rue St Séverin, near rue St Jacques. Paris, 1773. Two volumes. A classic work on surgery, reprinted several times throughout the 18th century. Dionis' lessons cover the whole of operative medicine in ten demonstrations, from the lower abdomen to the head and eyes. Additional remarks by La Faye present discoveries made since the first edition, published in 1707.

Catalog of medical instruments, nursing supplies and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Co. in Moscow).  Moscow, 1914
Catalog of medical instruments P. I. Makhin & Co. v Moskve

Russia , 1914

Каталог медицинских инструментов, принадлежностей для ухода за больными и перевязочных материалов Товарищества П. И. Махина и Ко в Москве (Catalog of medical instruments, nursing supplies and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Co. in Moscow). Year of publication: 1914. Condition: significant traces of use, Missing title page and the first unnumbered and the first 5 pages, as well as the last unnumbered pages. Page 6 is badly damaged. Half cloth binding of its time, traces of unprofessional restoration. First and last pages damaged, heavily soiled, inner pages in good condition.  Here and there contemporary marginalia and underlinings. Size: 170x245 mm. Pages: 912. Publisher: Tipo-lithography Tva I.N. Kushnerev and Co. The drawings by engraver Kalugin A.I.

The cover of the Quarterly Epitome of American Practical Medicine and Surgery. W.A. Townsend Publisher, New York, 1881, Volume II, Part VII, September
Quarterly Epitome of American Practical Medicine and Surgery

USA , 1881

Quarterly Epitome of American Practical Medicine and Surgery. W.A. Townsend Publisher, New York, 1881, Volume II, Part VII, September. Medical and surgical "readers' digest" of that times. 

Zimmer, A. Wehrmedizin - Kriegserfahrungen 1939–1943, Franz Deuticke, Wien, 1944. In 3 bands
Wehrmedizin. Kriegserfahrungen 1939-1943

Austria , 1944

Wehrmedizin. Kriegserfahrungen 1939-1943 (Military Medicine. War experiences 1939–1943). Published by Franz Deuticke, Wien, 1944. In three bands. Format gr.8vo. Edited by Generalstabsarzt Prof. Dr. A. Zimmer. Volumes 1 and 2: Kriegschirurgie (Military Surgery), volume 3: Interne Medizin und Neurologie (Internal Medicine and Neurology). Zimmer, A. Wehrmedizin - Kriegserfahrungen 1939–1943, Franz Deuticke, Wien, 1944. In 3 bands

Manual for Operation and Maintenance -  Laerdal
Manual for Operation and Maintenance, Laerdal, Norway

Norway , 1970

Lærdal, Åsmund

Manual for Operation and Maintenance for the manikins Resusci Anne, Andy and Baby, and Anatomic Anne by the firm Laerdal, Norway

Pirogoff N. Principles of general war surgery after reminiscences from the wars in the Crimea and the Caucasus and from hospital practice, Leipzig, 1864. In 2 bands
Grundzüge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie, 1864 in 2 vol.

Germany , 1864

Pirogov, Nikolay Ivanovich

PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881). Grundzuge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie nach Reminiscenzen aus den Kriegen in der Krim und im Kaukasus und aus der Hospitalpraxis, Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1864. In 2 Volumes (1: iv, 1-528 pp. and 2: 529-1168 pp., 1 nn Errata page). 'Principles of general war surgery after reminiscences from the wars in the Crimea and the Caucasus and from hospital practice' in German language. The world's first edition.