Catalog of medical instruments, nursing supplies and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Co. in Moscow).  Moscow, 1914
Catalog of medical instruments P. I. Makhin & Co. v Moskve

Russia, 20 C. 1 half

Каталог медицинских инструментов, принадлежностей для ухода за больными и перевязочных материалов Товарищества П. И. Махина и Ко в Москве (Catalog of medical instruments, nursing supplies and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Co. in Moscow). Year of publication: 1914. Condition: significant traces of use, Missing title page and the first unnumbered and the first 5 pages, as well as the last unnumbered pages. Page 6 is badly damaged. Half cloth binding of its time, traces of unprofessional restoration. First and last pages damaged, heavily soiled, inner pages in good condition.  Here and there contemporary marginalia and underlinings. Size: 170x245 mm. Pages: 912. Publisher: Tipo-lithography Tva I.N. Kushnerev and Co. The drawings by engraver Kalugin A.I.