Makhin Pavel and Co in Moscow
Товарищество П.И. Махин и Ко. В Москве
The Partnership of P.I. Makhin and Co. In Moscow (Товарищество П. И. Махин и Ко. В Москве) was engaged in the sale and repair of medical equipment. Reseller of optical and surgical instruments, including the companies ass Collin, Reiner, Lüer, Pearson. The store has a workshop for instruments repairing and making them according to customer's drawings. Awards depicted in the 1914 catalog included Silver Medal of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair in 1895; Gold Medal of the Exhibition in Paris 1900; Diploma of Honor Paris 1904.
In the catalog dated 1891 is mentioned that "All handles made of metal. The wooden handles can be sent due to special request." It is interesting to note the presence in this catalog of the section “Instruments for the study of simulants (pretenders)”. Roulettes, tables, hammer sets, and for 10 rubles one could buy a whole set: “Instrument for practical diagnosis of pretenders (притворяющихся) having defects in vision, deafness and loss of sensitivity, with a description.”
Founded: 1868 as a shop of optical and surgical instruments in Moscow, owned by Pavel Ivanovish Makhin (Павел Иванович Махинъ). Since 1875 as Partnership with V. K. Pretzel (В. К. Претцель). 1884 due to healthy reasons the firm was sold to Pretzel. New foundation in January 1890 under the name "Partnership of P.I. Makhin and Co." Initially, the history of the company was described beginning since 1868, however, in the later catalogs the foundation date is indicated as 1890. Dissolved: no indications founded, most probably due to the revolution in 1918 (?).
Address: Rozhdestvenska Str., near Kuznetsky Most, House of Suzdal Podvor'e No. 7.
Printed catalogs
The catalogs published by the Partnership P.I. Makhin and Co.:
- Catalog of medical instruments, accessories for patient care and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and K°in Moscow [Text]. - Moscow : Tipo-litogr. A. S. Danilovoi, 1891. - VIII, 155, [1] p. : illus.; 26 cm.
- Catalog of drawing, geodesic, optical and other instruments of the optical and surgical store of the Partnership P. I. Makhin and K° = Catalog of drawing, geodesic, optical and other instruments of the optical and surgical store of the Partnership P. I. Makhin and K°. - Moscow : T-vo I. N. Kushnerev and K°, 1893. - 43 с. : ill.; 25 cm.
- Systematic catalog of light pictures for magic lanterns / optical and surgical store of the Partnership P. I. Makhin and K°. - Moscow : Tipo-litogr. A. S. Danilovoi, cens. 1894. - 64 с. : ill.; 17 cm.
- Catalog of magic lanterns and light pictures for people's readings of the Partnership P. I. Makhin and Kº. - Moscow : Tip. Vysokoch. T-va I. N. Kushnerev and K°, 1896. - 202, [1] с. : illus.; 16 cm.
- Brief catalog of the optical and surgical store of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Kº, in Moscow. Makhin and Kº, in Moscow. - Moscow : (Typo-Lithography of the Highest Approved Partnership of I. N. Kushnerev & Co.), 1896. - 48 pages: illustrations; 23 cm.
- Addendum to the 1896 catalog of medical instruments, nursing supplies and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin & Co .in Moscow. 1900 г. - Moscow : Tipo-litogr. T-va I. N. Kushnerev and K°, 1900. - 184, VIII p. : ill.; 24 cm.
- Illustrated Catalog of Dental Instruments of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Kº, in Moscow (containing 6,200 drawings, in 352 pages). - Moscow : October 1908.
- Illustrated catalog of magic lanterns and light paintings for public readings of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Kº, in Moscow (containing 200 drawings, in 352 pages). Makhin and Kº, in Moscow. 1910.
- Catalog of stereoscopic paintings and stereoscopes / Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Kº. - Moscow : Typo-lithograph. I. N. Kushnerev and Kº, 1912-. - 176, [1] с. : ill. 16 cm.
- Catalog of 1912 drawing tools and drawing accessories / Optical and surgical store, Partnership P. I. Makhin and K°, in Moscow. - Moscow : Typ. Т-ва I. N. Kushnerev and K°, 1912. - 16 с. : ill.; 22 cm.
- Catalog of medical instruments, accessories for patient care and dressing materials. Partnership P. I. Makhin and K°, in Moscow, Rozhdestvenska, bl. Kuznetskago Mosta, v. Suzdalskogo podv. № 7. - Moscow : Tipo-litogr. T-va I. N. Kushnerev and K°, 1914. - 912 с. : ca. 10,700 ill., tabl.; 25 cm.
- Illustrated brief catalog of spectacles, pince-nez, binoculars, thermometers, barometers, and more - Moscow : 1914.
- Illustrated catalog of surgical instruments (was planned for publishing in 1914, probably not published).
- Illustrated catalog of magic lanterns and light paintings for public readings (was planed for publishing in 1914, probably not published).