PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881) at the Siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War
Grundzuge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie, 1864

Germany, 19 C. 2 half

Pirogov, Nikolay Ivanovich

PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881). Grundzuge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie nach Reminiscenzen aus den Kriegen in der Krim und im Kaukasus und aus der Hospitalpraxis (Principles of general war surgery after reminiscences from the wars in the Crimea and the Caucasus and from hospital practice), Leipzig: F.C.W. Vogel, 1864. 8vo (Vol.I: 224 x 152 x 27 mm), in German language. The world's first edition

Pirogoff N. Principles of general war surgery after reminiscences from the wars in the Crimea and the Caucasus and from hospital practice, Leipzig, 1864. In 2 bands
Grundzüge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie, 1864 in 2 vol.

Germany, 19 C. 2 half

Pirogov, Nikolay Ivanovich

PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1810-1881). Grundzuge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie nach Reminiscenzen aus den Kriegen in der Krim und im Kaukasus und aus der Hospitalpraxis, Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1864. In 2 Volumes (1: iv, 1-528 pp. and 2: 529-1168 pp., 1 nn Errata page). 'Principles of general war surgery after reminiscences from the wars in the Crimea and the Caucasus and from hospital practice' in German language. The world's first edition.


Nikolay Pirogov painted by Ilya Repin in 1881
Pirogov, Nikolay Ivanovich

Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov (Russian: Николай Иванович Пирогов; 25.11.1810 – 5.12.1881) was a renowned Russian surgeon, "The father of Russian field surgery" and "The father of Russian topography anatomy", scientist, professor of surgery, publicist and author. Pirogov promoted surgical anaesthesia in Russian Empire, was the first who describe some negative effects and possible complications of general anaesthesia. He was one of the first in the world introducing ether anaesthesia on the battlefield.