Characteristics of the object

New York
Size20x25x21 cm (LxWxD)
Weight3095 g


Stander Female Pelvis Phantom

Stander Female Pelvis Phantom. Manikin for Teaching and Practice of Obstetrics. Female pelvis stander phantom for obstetrics educational aid, made of pewter, rather heavy, over 3 kg. Circa 1920. Made by Clay Adams Co. New York.

Clay Adams and Co., based in New York, was a company known for manufacturing medical,  laboratory, and educational equipment, including obstetrics phantoms. The company may was run from 1916 to 1935 by Robert Louis Toplitz (c. 1851-1935). In 1964 Clay-Adams became a division of Becton, Dickinson and Company, the medical technology company, and the Clay-Adams relocated to Parsippany, New Jersey around 1969-1970. 

These phantoms were essentially models used for educational purposes, especially in the field of obstetrics, which is concerned with childbirth and the care of women giving birth. They were important tools for training medical students and healthcare professionals in the processes and challenges of childbirth. These models allowed for a hands-on, practical approach to learning and were an integral part of medical education. Clay-Adams Company was a manufacturer and importer of laboratory, surgical, and medical supplies. These included the "Gold Seal Micro Cover Glasses" and "Gold Seal Micro Slides." These were made and packed in their New York City work rooms from glass produced in the United States. The microscope slides and cover slips were favored by pathologists and anatomists.


Height max. with base 31,9 cm. Dimensions of the phantom: ca. H 20,0 x W 25,0 x D 21,0 cm. Base 37,0 x 25,0 cm. Weight: 3.095 g.


Meloni Collection of Medical, Scientific, Historical and Rare Books,
Aquired from above by the New England Auctions, Branford, CT, USA, on March 8, 2023


Stander Female Pelvis Phantom, ca 1920
Stander Female Pelvis Phantom, ca 1920
Clay Adams Co, New York, USA. The shield
Clay Adams Co, New York, USA. The shield
Lateral view. Stander Female Pelvis Phantom, USA, New York, ca 1920
Lateral view. Stander Female Pelvis Phantom, USA, New York, ca 1920

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