Operating time1870-1890
New York


Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA

The company, Shepard & Dudley NY, established by instrument makers in New York, operated from 1870 to the late 1890s. It is important to clarify that Shepard and Dudley did not manufacture instruments during or prior to the Civil War.

There is some historical ambiguity regarding the exact timeline of Shepard and Dudley's operations. Records suggest the business was active during the 1860s and the Civil War era. However, there is no evidence to confirm they produced instruments for the Union army during the war. For clarity, it is more accurate to reference Shepard and Dudley as producers of surgical sets for civilian purposes post-war.

According to Edmonson and other sources, the early business endeavors of the Shepard & Dudley name, between 1860 and 1870, were associated with the Rubber Clothing Co., also known as F. M & W A. Shepard, and were focused on rubber goods and syringes, not surgical instruments.

The transition to surgical instrument making by Shepard & Dudley, comprising Frederick M. Shepard and Francis D. Dudley, occurred post-Civil War. Their business addresses over the years were as follows:

  • From 1870 to 1875, their premises were at 150 William Street, New York, USA.
  • In 1876 and 1877, they expanded to include 33 Gold Street alongside 150 William Street, New York, USA.
  • Finally, from 1878 to 1894, they operated solely from 150 William Street, New York, USA.


Logo Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA
Logo Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA
Trauma Surgical Set, Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA
Trauma Surgical Set, Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA
Instruments in the Trauma Surgical Set, Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA
Instruments in the Trauma Surgical Set, Shepard & Dudley, New York, USA

More info

  1. Shepard and Dudley, New York, USA at the medicalantiques.com
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See also

Charriére á Paris Charrière á Paris

France , 1820 - 1930

COLLIN: french manufacturer of surgical instruments. Trademark on the "Tarnier" Forceps. Credit: Cabinet des Curiosités, Paris Collin, Paris

France , 1866 - 1957

Elastolin toy figures - soldiers, nurses, paramedics and military surgeons. O. und M. Hausser, West Germany Elastolin

Germany , 1904

Combat medics and wounded soldiers by Lineol Lineol

Germany , 1906