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Catalog of medical instruments, nursing supplies and dressing materials of the Partnership of P. I. Makhin and Co. in Moscow).  Moscow, 1914. The part of page 208 (out of 912)
Makhin PI i Ko v Moskve

Russia , 1890 - 1918

The Partnership of P.I. Makhin and Co. In Moscow (Товарищество П. И. Махин и Ко. В Москве) was engaged in the sale and repair of medical equipment. Founded: 1890. Dissolved: 1918 (?). Address: Rozhdestvenska Street, near Kuznetsky Most, House of Suzdal Podvor'e No. 7. Awardswith medal depicted in the 1914 catalog: Silver Medal of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair in 1895; Gold Medal of the Exhibition in Paris 1900; Diploma of Honor Paris 1904. Supplier of the instruments of Collin and Mathieu in Russia

Columbia Dentoform Training Teeth
Columbia Dentoform

USA , 1917

Columbia Dentoform, established in 1917 by Ben Spitzer, a Columbia University Engineering School graduate, began as the Columbia Dental and X-Ray Company in Manhattan, New York. Initially, the company provided x-ray equipment for dental offices and sold articulators and attachments to dental laboratories. Ben Spritzer In 1917, it introduced metal typodonts—his first phantoms for dental teaching and practice. Today, as part of the DentalEZ family of brands, Columbia Dentoform continues to develop and provide high-quality simulation products, maintaining its commitment to improving the instructional process and learning experience for dental students globally.